Help WantedHaving got to this page, you will no doubt appreciate that this site lacks a certain amount of content. I am restricted not so much by secrecy but by copyright. I would be grateful for any contributions, especially personal recollections and pictures. This is a hobby site so I can't afford to pay you. I will, of course, credit all my sources so you may get a little bit of immortality out of it. I ask that you personally own your contributions, the recollections are in your own words, the pictures taken with your own camera. Also, please keep it authentic, polite and non-libellous. This should be a site worth using for historical research so no fiction, obscenity or defamation please. As it's my site, I am responsible for what I put on it. I really don't want to get chased by someone's lawyers because I published something I shouldn't have. If you would like to contribute something to this site please contact me by email, However, if you prefer pen and paper, you can write to me at: Mr D Waller Parham Airfield MuseumParham Airfield Museum is committed to preserving the past for the future and is dependent on fundraising and donations. There are a number of ways that you can help. Make a donation Become a Sponsor Become a Member Become a Volunteer 390th Bomb Group Memorial Air Museum & The Museum of the British Resistance Organisation Parham Airfield Phone - 01728 621373 E-mail - Scots Auxunits InformationMr David Blair is researching into Auxunit activities in Scotland. He would like to hear from Auxiliers or anyone else with information they would like to share. He can be contacted by email at You can also write to him at: Mr D Blair Or phone 01334 470599, 07731 353871 Return to Auxunit News |